Compiled Resources on COVID-19 and Women (updated April 30)
Gender 👫
- Gender Dimension of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Policy Note
- Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19: Policy Briefs (ESCWA)
- COVID-19: the gendered impacts of the outbreak (Lancet)
- The COVID-19 Outbreak and Gender: Key Advocacy Points from Asia and the Pacific (UNWOMEN)
- Addressing sex and gender in epidemic-prone infectious diseases (WHO)
- (G7)
- Gender and the Coronavirus Outbreak
- It’s Time for a New Question in Disease Outbreaks
- Gender matters in responding to major disease outbreaks like Ebola - World
- The coronavirus fallout may be worse for women than men. Here's why
- COVID-19: What does it mean for gender?
- Coronavirus: A Look at Gender Differences in Awareness and Actions
- Women must not pay the price for COVID-19: Putting equality (...)
- Five ways the coronavirus is hitting women in Asia
- What does feminist leadership look like in a pandemic?
- The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism
- Pushing for equality for girls in the age of COVID-19
- Coronavirus puts women in the frontline
- Why gender matters in the impact and recovery from Covid-19
- Pandemic aggravating gender inequalities
- How women could be uniquely impacted by the coronavirus
- The Blindspot In Our Response To COVID-19
- The coronavirus is not gender-blind, nor should we be
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality
Leadership 👩🏽🔬👩🏻💼👩🏼⚕️
- NAYA | Leadership amid coronavirus pandemic: women in the spotlight
- Jacinda Ardern takes 20 per cent pay cut alongside all her ministers and public sector bosses -even Ashley Bloomfield
- Paying attention to women’s needs and leadership will strengthen COVID-19 response (UNWOMEN)
- "Put women and girls at the centre of efforts to recover from COVID-19" | United Nations
- A shaken world demands balanced leadership
- Women leaders are doing a disproportionately great job at handling the pandemic. So why aren't there more of them?
- What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common? Women Leaders
- The secret weapon in the fight against coronavirus: women | Coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian
- A Gender Lens for COVID-19
- The pandemic and the female academic
- Voices from the front lines of COVID-19
- Shared Responsibilty, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19
- New Zealand’s Prime Minister Is Redefining Effective Leadership
- Female world leaders are handling coronavirus crisis 'in a really impressive manner,' experts say
- Women And The Frontlines Of COVID-19
- GRID Index: Tracking The Global Leadership Response In The COVID-19 Crisis
- UNDP Gender and Recovery Toolkit: Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Crisis and Recovery Settings
- How to Protect Gender Equality in Elections During COVID-19
Domestic Violence 🙅🏻🙅🏻♂️
- Women's domestic burden just got heavier with the coronavirus
- COVID-19 isolation could create 'fertile ground for domestic violence'
- How Coronavirus Is Affecting Victims of Domestic Violence
- Activists anticipate rise in domestic abuse as nation goes into curfew
- Lockdowns around the world bring rise in domestic violence
- States must combat domestic violence in the context of COVID-19 lockdowns – UN rights expert
- CP – Confinement et femmes victimes de violences conjugales
- Pandemics and Violence against Women and Children
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Violence against Women and Girls
- Australia coronavirus lockdown pushes 'safe phones' demand for women
- State control over women's bodies is an unforeseen outcome of the coronavirus crisis | Emma Barnett
- Trapped with domestic abusers: How Covid-19 lockdowns are endangering vulnerable women across the Middle East
- The COVID-19 pandemic could have huge knock-on effects on women's health, says the UN
- Canada announces support to those experiencing homelessness and women fleeing gender-based violence during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
- Women locked down with their abusers need refuge
- Women are using code words at pharmacies to escape domestic violence
- Coronavirus: Fourteen women murdered in Turkish homes since lockdown
- COVID-19 resources to address gender-based violence risks
- COVID-19 resources (includes country-level action plans)
- COVID-19 and violence against women What the health sector/system can do
- COVID-19 and essential services provision for survivors of violence against women and girls
Sexual and Reproductive Health 🤰
- COVID-19: A Gender Lens (UNFPA)
- Coronavirus is forcing pregnant women to rethink birth plans
- Confinement : la pilule contraceptive délivrée en cas d'ordonnance périmée
- During the COVID-19 Crisis, Abortion Access Must be Considered 'Essential'
- COVID-19: What implications for sexual and reproductive health and rights globally?
- Joint Statement on Abortion Access During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the COVID-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19 resources for pregnant women and family planning
- Communiqué de presse : COVID – 19 - Distribution de pilule contraceptive et recours à l’IVG - internet services Etat du Lot-et-Garonne
- The COVID-19 pandemic could have huge knock-on effects on women's health, says the UN
- Coronavirus Guidance Note: One maternal death is one too many
- What are the risks of COVID-19 infection in pregnant women?
- Addressing sex and gender in epidemic-prone infectious diseases
- Millions more cases of violence, child marriage, female genital mutilation, unintended pregnancy expected due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Sex-Disaggregated Data 📊
Economy 📉
- COVID-19 requires gender-equal responses to save economies (UNCTAD)
- Why we need women’s leadership in the COVID-19 response (WEF)
- Family-friendly-policies-covid-19-guidance-2020
- Almost 25 million jobs could be lost worldwide as a result of COVID-19, says ILO
- Women, on the Front Lines of Covid-19, Are at High Economic Risk
- How will COVID-19 affect the world of work?
- Coronavirus Layoffs Could Erase Many of Women's Workplace Gains
- Why WHO needs a feminist economic agenda
- How Will COVID-19 Affect Women and Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries?
- Why This Economic Crisis Differs From the Last One for Women
- In India, women’s self-help groups combat the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic
- Responding to crisis with digital payments for social protection: Short-term measures with long-term
- Family-friendly policies and other good workplace practices in the context of COVID-19: Key Steps employers can take
- The Future of Work is here: A regional feminist perspective on the effects of COVID-19
- Protecting our co-workers during COVID-19: A Social Security Protocol for Civil Society
Human Rights 🕊
- COVID-19: A time for strength, humanity and kindness
- Human rights must be maintained in beating back the COVID-19 pandemic, ‘without exception’ – UN experts
- covid-and-human-rights-principles-for-canada-final-en
- مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق الإنسان | باشيليت: يجب أن تحتلّ حقوق الإنسان الأولويّة عند التصدّي لفيروس كورونا
- إيلاء الاهتمام لاحتياجات المرأة وقيادتها يعزز الاستجابة لفيروس كورونا
- مفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لحقوق الإنسان | يجب حماية حقوق وصحة اللاجئين والمهاجرين وعديمي الجنسية خلال التصدي لفيروس كورونا <br> بيان صحفي مشترك من مفوضية حقوق الإنسان، والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة، ومفوضية اللاجئين ومنظمة الصحة العالمية.
WPS ☮︎
- COVID-19: From Ceasefire to Divestment and Disarmament (WILPF)
- Women peace and security in the time of corona
- Statement from Women’s Refugee Commission Executive Director Sarah Costa on the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Women, Peace And Security - Challenges And Opportunities In Light Of The Corona Pandemic
Humanitarian Settings⛺️
- Gender implications of COVID-19 outbreaks in development and humanitarian settings
- Interim Guidance – Gender Alert for COVID-19 Outbreak
Disability ♿
- Persons with disabilities must not be left behind in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Protect Rights of People with Disabilities During COVID-19 (HRW)
- UN working to ensure vulnerable groups not left behind in COVID-19 response | United Nations
Response: selected specific actions 🦠
- COVID-19: WHO, UNICEF and UNDP partner with WhatsApp to get real time health information to billions around the world
- COVID-19 & GenderInclusive responses to leave no one behind
- Responses to the Covid-19 could exacerbate pre-existing and deeply entrenched discrimination against women and girls, say UN experts
Lists of other compiled resources 🗒
- COVID-19, gender and data resources
- Feminist Resources on the Pandemic - CFFP
Lebanon Related Resources 🇱🇧
- The Impact of Gender and the Response to COVID-19 in Lebanon
- Gender Alert on COVID- Lebanon (Ar)
- Gender Alert on COVID- Lebanon (En)
- Women’s Needs and Gender Equality in Lebanon’s COVID-19 Response, UN Women Lebanon
- Inter-agency Standard Operating Procedures for SGBV Prevention and Response, Interagency Coordination Lebanon
- Lebanon: Inter-Agency - Guidance on Home Isolation in Overcrowded Settings - March 2020
- Child Protection Case Management Guidance during Covid-19 Lebanon
- Multi Country real time evaluation of UNICEF Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programme - Lebanon Country Report
- Interim Technical Note: Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) during COVID-19 Response - Version 1.0 (developed by WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP, IOM, OCHA, CHS Alliance, InterAction and the UN Victims’ Rights Advocate)
- Pandemics and Violence Against Women and Children, Working Paper 528, April 2, 2020
- ISF national hotline for domestic violence
- “March monthly report on domestic violence,” KAFA, March 2020
- Understanding Masculinities Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in Lebanon
- Guide on how to isolate from others if you line in a crowded space and have COVID-19, UNHCR Lebanon
- “Lebanon to investigate case of migrant domestic worker,” Middle East Monitor, April 2, 2020
- “6 year old girl battered to death in Tripoli,” Naharnet, April 7, 2020
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